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Squirrel herbivory

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We think about Eastern gray squirrels eating nuts, mushrooms, and berries.  But I wouldn't put them on the top of my 'eating greens' list.

But, first the collard transplants disappeared, then the broccoli, and then the red cabbage.  Hmmrph....  I was thinking an errant woodchuck might be selectively browsing, but s/he skipped the cilantro in one of my containers (a woodchuck favorite), so I was puzzled.

A greens-loving squirrel
At home for lunch, I caught the culprit in action.  First, s/he investigated the (sorry) remnants of the collards and broccoli, and then started investigating the adjoining mustard bed.  And, s/he started chewing.  Hmmrph.  My Mr. McGregor instincts had me snapping a quick couple of shots, before I ran out to show him/her away!


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