A Quiet Day.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Completely different weather today, no rain or thunderstorms about. Unfortunately living in a valley means that until next spring only the house and bits of the garden benefit from the sunshine.
After a bit of a lie-in, well we've both got colds, I did wrap up and get some work done in the garden. At least I could look at the sun on the hill. The Crocosmia Lucifer has now been cut back along with the other crocosmia species. Leave it any longer and the stems start to go brown and slimy, not nice to deal with. I've also started cutting back the sedum but am leaving the latest flowering variety as the flowers are still a deep red colour. It wasn't until one lone bird started to sing in the tree next to me that I realised how quiet the valley is now. Most of the birds are silent, conserving their energy in this chill damp weather. It was quite cold working outside so I appreciated a nice bowl of beef stew when I came inside. That's all for this quiet Sunday.
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