Bye Bye Leaves.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Another day of sunshine. Being down in the valley our garden loses the sun quite quickly at this time of year. Just some bright patches on the taller trees and a welcome last ray into the conservatory which I am now claiming as my own after this summer's tidying. Hence I wasn't too pleased to find oily chainsaw parts spread out on my 'table'. It may only be a piece of ply but it is perfect for jigsaws or other projects. Currently I am adapting our scrabble board. It is a bit annoying when you turn the board or knock it and some of the letter tiles slide around so I thought for a while and came up with a solution. I'm using craft wire super-glued to the board to create recesses for each tile. It works too! I've nearly finished putting on the vertical wires onto the second half of the board and then we'll be able to play another of our highly competitive games.
It may be warm but the wind is blowing hard outside. All the time it sounds as if there is a big river or even a motorway nearby. The trees are beginning to look ragged and then it will be another 6 months before the boundaries turn green again.
Lost another pound this week, going out for a meal on Friday night and then on Saturday trying out Tesco's 'Eat in for £10' deal where you chose wine, main, veg and dessert for 2 from a selection. We had crab and scallop cannelloni and petit pois & beans with sage butter. Peter says the wine is good and I saved the chocolate cheesecake until tonight and it's not bad, not as good as the ones in Lindsay's patisserie but I can manage.

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