Friday, June 4, 2010
Couldn't get on the internet yesterday because someone was hogging all the band width so I'm doing an morning post instead.I've achieved my dream of roses over a front door festooned with hanging baskets. The sun shone steadily all day long and I spent many hours cleaning those slabs. I've nearly finished all round the house, just a quick wash over and then I'll be able to move on up to the scree garden.
Every now and again I would give myself a break, (tea & fruit) up at the scree garden. I had a bit of a crisis yesterday on the dieting front. I'd made an early morning visit to Tescos to do some shopping including a new set of scales. I was aware that my old set were not that accurate and I would calibrate them every now and again by paying to weigh myself at the chemist's. I had decided to invest in a new set and after some research on the internet I opted for electronic scales. I do prefer the mechanical scales where you can see where you used to be and where you are at the same time but the reviews recommended electronic for accuracy. (By the way who would want talking scales? Not me.) When I weighed myself on my new scales I found - shock horror- that I am 5lbs heavier than I thought I was. That's a severe blow to the self esteem. I know it doesn't detract from the weight lost, the reduction in clothes size or the cms lost but it does feel bad that instead of 8lbs to my goal weight there are still 13lbs to go. Mind you I was wondering how come the wobbly bits were still there. All it really means is that my starting weight was higher than I thought and that I will have to carry on with the diet for a bit longer. I am beginning to get my head around those thoughts. Only someone who is in the throes of a diet will really be able to sympathise.
I also made another trip to the dump as the previous day I'd spotted a mirror that I wanted but didn't have the space in the car, or the cash to get it. Luckily it was still there and for the sum of £3 I've added a door sized mirror to my collection. I have so many mirrors around the place to bring light indoors. My latest idea is to have some big mirrors at the back of the shelter up at the scree garden to lighten it up and to create the illusion of another garden beyond the shelter.
Every now and again I would give myself a break, (tea & fruit) up at the scree garden. I had a bit of a crisis yesterday on the dieting front. I'd made an early morning visit to Tescos to do some shopping including a new set of scales. I was aware that my old set were not that accurate and I would calibrate them every now and again by paying to weigh myself at the chemist's. I had decided to invest in a new set and after some research on the internet I opted for electronic scales. I do prefer the mechanical scales where you can see where you used to be and where you are at the same time but the reviews recommended electronic for accuracy. (By the way who would want talking scales? Not me.) When I weighed myself on my new scales I found - shock horror- that I am 5lbs heavier than I thought I was. That's a severe blow to the self esteem. I know it doesn't detract from the weight lost, the reduction in clothes size or the cms lost but it does feel bad that instead of 8lbs to my goal weight there are still 13lbs to go. Mind you I was wondering how come the wobbly bits were still there. All it really means is that my starting weight was higher than I thought and that I will have to carry on with the diet for a bit longer. I am beginning to get my head around those thoughts. Only someone who is in the throes of a diet will really be able to sympathise.
I also made another trip to the dump as the previous day I'd spotted a mirror that I wanted but didn't have the space in the car, or the cash to get it. Luckily it was still there and for the sum of £3 I've added a door sized mirror to my collection. I have so many mirrors around the place to bring light indoors. My latest idea is to have some big mirrors at the back of the shelter up at the scree garden to lighten it up and to create the illusion of another garden beyond the shelter.
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