Lesson Observation Over.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Today's lesson observation went well. Even if my delivery wasn't perfect I was happy with it because all the children were highly motivated, stayed on task and produced some good football chants while having lots of fun. Just imagine 27 children blowing their home-made vuvuzelas after each chant! but they didn't get out of hand and the feed back was positive. Big sigh of relief. Now I shall be concentrating on my year 1 class, freshening up a few displays etc and doing all the end of year stuff. I'm supposed to be science coordinator as well and I know there are some things I need to do for that also. The weather has been absolutely glorious so once I got home at 6.00 I had a peaceful hour sitting quietly in the garden enjoying the sun and birdsong. Linas went down to Plymouth again and has finally sorted out a place to rent while he is working there. Although he is only renting a (large) room, the rest of the house is currently unoccupied while the landlord redecorates so he is getting the house to himself for the time being. He will be making his move down there next Thursday. I'll be at work so Peter will have to drive down with Linas following on his scooter.
After some time sitting and reading I followed the sun up the hillside and went and talked to the ponies.
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