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Garlic and onions

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Coming back down from the mountains (unexpectedly, for house painting purposes), we returned to heat and humidity. It was a decided difference.  But it's been rainy here, thankfully;  the rain gauge showed 3 inches in the last week and half!  So everything from containers to shrubs are looking good. It's nice to have an opportunity to check the garden-- that was our first order of business.  It's a good thing to have had plenty of rain!

One exception were the short-day onions, whose tops seemed to have largely melted away because of some sort of fungus;  I harvested all of the bulbs, though, which although small, hopefully will be tasty.

The garlic, surprisingly (or maybe not), had browned up and is largely ready to harvest.

I cut the scapes of the single bed of hard-neck garlic before harvesting; they're probably too fibrous to be good, but we'll see. 

The young leeks are doing OK, but also are suffering from too much rain, seemingly somewhat mildew-stressed.  I'll either hill them up, or harvest them as 'baby leeks'!

The garlic harvest looks good;  here are the results from two of my beds, ready for bundling up to dry tomorrow.


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