Tuesday, June 1, 2010
We are celebrating today because Linas got the website design job. It's for 8 weeks with a possible further 8 weeks and at a very good salary. All he has to do now is to sort out a place to stay in Plymouth before he starts on July 5th. It will be so good for his self confidence and for his CV. And even if the job does not continue he is much more likely to find similar work in Plymouth than up here in rural North Devon. To mark the occasion we had a Chinese dinner, part take-away and part home cooked. Hasn't done a lot of good for the diet but it did taste very nice.
The next azalea has started to flower. no scent but a dramatic colour. Being the 1st of June the day started with heavy rain. I was driven out of bed by the incessant dripping from the gutter over our bedroom window. It was supposed to have been fixed but still leaks. I might wait until Romas comes home and send him up the long ladder. I still went and collected the pressure washer as the forecast is good for the rest of the week. I also gave myself some time to wander around the clothes shops as I really could do with some trousers that fit. I didn't manage to find any trousers for work but bought a long t-shirt and a hooded cardigan (as if I don't have enough of those) and a pair of leggings in a sale. By the time I left town the car parks were full and traffic was queueing on the roads into town as holiday makers looked for something to do in the (typical) pouring rain.
More white iris appearing among the purple. I drove home through low cloud and once home it was dry enough to start cleaning the concrete slabs with the pressure washer. It is such a satisfying job to see all the moss and dirt washing off. Although the cleaned slabs don't look as good as new they still look much better. Over the years a lot of the pointing between the slabs has fallen out so I can see what my next job will have to be.

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