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Severe Weather Warning.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The radio was giving out weather warnings as I left work at 6.00 tonight. We are due the worst storm of the year and roads in Cornwall had already flooded with 2 ft of water. I've been out and reinforced the dams across the road (lovely son refused again saying we won't have much rain), but I'll definitely leave the raking to him. We've had 5 cms of rain in the last day. The severe weather warnings are featuring on the 10.00 news, 2 roofs have blown off in East Devon and the advice is not to go out in the storm which has winds predicted up to 80 mph. I hope it's not too bad tomorrow morning as I need to go into town.
Christmas is already appearing in the shops, there was the nastiest tinny muzak playing in the the supermarket this evening, yuk. I was looking through some old school music books and I found this lovely version of Twinkle , twinkle which I thought I would share. I'm a sucker for anything in a minor key. At school I still haven't choreographed the 2 dances my class are doing in the Christmas play though we have been trying out various moves. There isn't much scope as the stage is very small so it will be be mostly on the spot dancing rather than anything too complicated or lively. One dance is to a 'star' song and the other is to a 'rat' song. I like the children to be able to choose which dance they do but most of my class want to be rats so I'll have to do some diplomatic persuasion.
Good news from Vytas, he has passed his driving test. Maybe we'll see more of him now that he and Kate can share the long drive down from Leicester.


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