Strange Livestock.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
More glorious sunshine this afternoon after the morning's downpours. I had a chance today to put last night's art session into practice and the children have mixed colours to paint shaded caterpillars. Their caterpillars look so good that I had to clear a display board for them and rather than put up new backing paper I had a bit of fun with some paint to create a leafy background for the caterpillars. I'll just get the children to put some detail on their caterpillars and then we can put them straight up on display. I believe very strongly that children's art work should be acknowledged and displayed whenever possible.
On the way home I was surprised by the occupants of one field.
Looking back towards the main road, (down in the gap between the trees,) that field was empty.
Swinging around a little, I could see some dairy cows on the horizon enjoying the spring flowers.
On the opposite side were fields of sheep and lambs .
And finally there was a small flock of canada geese grazing in another field. Not a completely unusual site near water but the nearest open water to this field is probably the lake at Arlington Court a few miles away, or else my neighbour's small lake also a couple of miles away.
Only a quick post tonight as it is past my bedtime and I've still got some school work to do.
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