The Butterflies Return.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I just love it when the first job of the day is to go around the house opening all the windows to let the fresh air in. Today has been another summer's day with lots of sunshine and a warm breeze. That's 4 good days so far. I managed to move a table into the dappled shade where I could see the screen of my lap top and I worked on e-profiles until the battery ran down.
This was where I spent most of the day being distracted by the numerous butterflies visiting the flowers in the scree garden.The osteospermums love all this sunshine.
The aliums are attracting bees as well as butterflies.
Of course no sunny day can go by without one of Peter's barbecues- steak, new potatoes and salad today. Afterwards I held the bottom of the ladder while Romas painted the 2 upstairs windows above the porch. Just a couple of windows on the other side of the house left to do. It would be really good if the next 2 days are sunny before I have to go back to work again.
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