The Beauty Of The Countryside.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Linas turned up late last night so I had to go into town twice today so he could meet up with his lift to MIA. Normally I'd be fed up with all that driving but at the moment the lanes are so beautiful that driving along them is a pleasure especially when as today the sun is shinning. The new green leaves on the hedges shimmer as they flutter in the constant wind we have up here in the hills. The bluebells are appearing alongside many other flowers all topped off by the white froth of cow parsley.
This field had a golden glow of dandelions.
This field had a golden glow of dandelions.
Back home in the chickens' run the blossom is out on the apple trees.
Within a day or two the pink colour will fade to a less spectacular white and then the petals will drop to the ground.
The lawns are in need of a good trim, its been too wet lately for Romas to get the mower out. So for the moment I'll enjoy the daisies.
I found this toad while I was weeding and thought he could do with a crown and sceptre. He doesn't look like he appreciates his adornment.
I decided that today should be an 'enjoy the sunshine' day so I pottered about in the garden doing clearing up. It looks like the cold weather killed off the passionflower that grew in a sheltered corner by the porch. I've cut off most of the dead growth but left the main stem. Maybe it'll sprout again. A couple of shrubs in the scree garden also look like they have had it. I also took time out just to sit and enjoy the sunshine and the birdsong all around. I had a very decdent coffee break in the garden with fresh coffee and profiteroles ! I even managed a couple of chapters of The Sons of Hurin. When I was in town I bought some trailing surfinias for the hanging baskets but the pansies are still too good to clear out so to keep the surfinias safe from slugs they're in a bucket hanging up by the shed.
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