Painting Continues.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Romas has been doing more painting today making the place look a lot neater. We haven't painted the brickwork since we moved in 15 years ago so the original job must have been quite well done. We're still working out how to get to the upstairs windows above the porch. It'll probably be a combination of painting as far as he can reach from the ladder, paint brush on a stick? and then finishing off from inside. It is possible to climb out of our windows but it would be quite awkward to do the painting that way. That will be the only possibility for the windows above the conservatory.
While Romas was painting and Peter studying I carried on with the weeding and the garden is almost all done. This is the first time I've had such a quiet Easter but I've certainly been able to get on with a lot of spring cleaning and still have some rest before going back to work.
This was the rock slope the summer after we moved here. Just to the right of the picture was a hole in the slope which had been used as a builders' dump. I talked a couple of council workmen to deliver 2 lorry loads of ditch clearings - soil & rotten leaves which they had been spreading on the road verge up at the top. We barrowed these over the builders' rubble to provide some sort of growing medium.
And this is how it looks today, 15 years later. This isn't a very good picture but it does show a garden rather than a building site. Everything has been done by hand and in a few weeks after the winter heathers have finished flowering, the rock slope will be completely covered with hardy geranium flowers, purples, blues, pinks and white.
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