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Monday, April 20, 2009

It's been gloriously sunny today and in the school grounds are many blossoming trees. The heating has been switched off and it was noticeably warmer out in the playground than in the classrooms. I did have to clear the ice off the windscreen this morning but seeing all that blue sky and the flowers in the hedgerows got me to work in a good mood. Sadly there has already been some vandalism in the Secret Garden. Bird tables broken, names carved into the wooden table and other things broken or thrown around. The junior school has recently built a Forest Schools area with a bender, (a circular wooden frame with a tarpaulin over it) , seats and a fire pit , and that has obviously been used and damaged by youngsters during the holidays.

On the way home I managed to sneak up behind that buzzard and get a couple of photos before he flew away.

And at last - the beech trees are breaking bud. Over the last few weeks the hedges have been turning green as the brambles and the hawthorn put out spring growth. I always look forward to the fresh lime green of the new beech leaves. Now everything will be green for the next 6 months - hooray!

I hadn't noticed before how hairy beech leaves are.


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