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Coffee Table Design

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Modern coffee tables are low tables placed near couches or sofas to hold beverages or decorative items. Glass coffee tables and those constructed of other materials can become an integral part of the interior of your home and serve purposes that are both stylish and functional. Coffee table designs date back to the tables used by the Turks in special coffee rooms or gardens. Today designers build coffee table models to integrate seamlessly with a range of furnishing so that a round coffee table or a teak coffee table can easily be found to match your existing pieces or a custom unit can be crafted from coffee table plans drawn specifically for your room


Coffee tables are available in various shapes, sizes, colors and materials. Popular traditional materials include glass, metal and wood while contemporary and modern pieces might be produced of steel or molded plastic. Most coffee tables are long and rectangular although any shape is popular. If your room is small and arranged as a "conversation pit," for instance, a round or triangular table might be more efficient.


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