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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The final set of photos from Sunday's walk are of the village of Mortehoe where we park and start our walks. It's a very picturesque village but the properties are extremely expensive. They are nearly all either 2nd homes belonging to wealthy people or holiday rental properties. I've had a quick scan of property prices in Mortehoe, they range from £500,000 for a 6 bedroom house, to £400,000 for a 4 bedroom cottage or a 2 bedroom flat down to £275,000 for a 2 bedroom flat. None of these properties looked especially luxurious, it's the location  that raises the price.

One (of 3 ) pubs and the Church lych gate.

The car park.

Another view of the church.

And now for today's GOOD NEWS.
When my initial attempts to start the immigration process had stumbled due to only early years (0-4) or secondary (11-16) teachers being on the job shortage list I sent off some e-mails and decided to focus on my current new job for a while. This morning , while eating my breakfast I checked my e-mails and found a very long and detailed reply from TeachNz telling me that primary teachers with 3+ years experience ,THAT'S ME, are on the immediate skills shortage list , so my application process can now continue. The e-mail gives lots of advice and links about the immigration process and re-registering and finding work as a teacher and even has links to  information about day to day life. I need to spend time studying it thoroughly.
The other bit of good news is that Romas has finally completed his university application form on line. It should really have been done before Christmas but there has been one delay after another.  Now we just have to wait and see what offers he gets. He wants to study music but more on the practical (modern ) side of the subject rather than classical music studies. He is a good drummer and is doing very well on his current 2 year music course. 


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