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Shirwell Church.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunrise this morning on the way to work.
I was working all day and it was quite chilly in the morning. Later in the day the sun was blazing and it was positively baking as I was out on the field at school with my class playing tag rugby. I'm not naturally sporty so luckily for the children they had a proper coach and I was just the assistant. I took advantage of the sunshine on the way home to take a few pictures of the church in Shirwell. The boys went to the primary school there and I have fond memories of harvest festivals and carol services there. Also sad memories of local funerals. Shirwell alternates Christmas services with East Down which also has a pretty little church. We always go to whichever church has the midnight service, apart from the very first year when we missed the experience of snow falling and blanketing the church yard during the midnight service.
The church was originally built in the 15th century and many of the Chichester family including Sir Francis Chichester, are buried in the church yard. The grave stones are interesting but I'm a bit squeamish about possibly walking on peoples' graves.
Pete had a study day today and as he had completed and sent his assignment early he had a barbecue prepared for when I came home. (Spicy chicken thighs and grilled courgettes with roast sweet potatoes and onion, mm.) That man does like to barbecue.


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