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Indian Summer.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Today we had the most glorious sunshine. In fact it was positively hot. Just like a summer's day. In fact better than a summer's day seeing as it was grey or rainy for the whole of August. And what was I doing today? Soaking up the sun in the garden? Roaming the countryside looking for those special shots? No, I was teaching all day. An easy class and we had a fun day though the big topic of conversation is the fair. It's a really big event in their lives. One lad was telling the class how he was going to the fair yesterday but couldn't because his sister had broken the car window. I was rather surprised because his sister is a petite 10 yr old but it turned out that the window switch had broken. Dad was getting a new car today which was 'like a jeep'. 'Ah' I said, ' you're getting a 4 wheel drive vehicle.' I was treated to a very odd look and told ,'yes, it will have 4 wheels.' Obviously elderly teachers can get a bit confused about cars.

I couldn't resist taking a few shots of the flowers in the lovely evening light.

I walked round the garden yesterday, putting off doing some mundane weeding, and I counted 50 types of flower still blooming. Some ,like the aubretia,honeysuckle and the roses have just a few flowers left but others are still giving a lovely display.


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