Plants in the ground
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I decided to go ahead and put most of the young native plants in the front meadow this afternoon (they're the ones that leaped into my car late last week). I'm thinking that they're all tough customers, we're not yet under a watering ban, so I'll keep a watchful eye on them and keep them hydrated. There are Indian grass seedlings in the meadow, amazingly, so maybe these plants will be equally tough.
(Disclaimer (since I'm supposed to know better): we DO recommend planting in the fall and spring as a general rule, and transplanting should preferably be done on overcast days, with rain in the forecast, etc...)My gardening assistant (here waiting for my gardening companion to finish watering) is looking very patient, having had a lovely outing today which included dips in two local rivers (the Chattooga and the Chauga).
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