More about squash...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I'm puzzling about the identity of one of the plants in my 'summer squash mix' labeled as C. moschata on the seed packet.Unfortunately, I gave the packet with 'left-over seeds' to a fellow gardener to put in our raised beds in the Children's Garden, so can't double check the label at the moment.
In the Gourmet Seeds International catalog, they were identified as 'Zucchini Summer Sampler Mix' -- but none of the varieties mentioned match the bi-color spoon gourd-look of these squash.
I also read that gourds are eaten in Meso-America traditionally when young, so maybe these are young gourds (C. pepo varieties) rather than C. moschata? In any case, the borers haven't got them yet, and they're quite tasty when small.
The diversity of leaves and fruit types is striking, actually, but the season is still young. I ordered another packet of 'Zucchini Summer Mix' today to check it out.Rambling down the slope
Tromboncino squash heading downA diversity of squashes
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