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Bloodroot fruits

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bloodroot seeds with elaiosomes

Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis, is a wonderful spring woodland flower in the Eastern U.S.  Its reproductive ecology is fascinating:  ants disperse seeds of bloodroot, as they're interested in the lipid-rich elaiosomes, transporting the seeds as well as the elaiosomes back to their nests.

This is a photo taken by my gardening companion (and newly published author, woo-hoo!) of Wildflowers and Plant Communities of the Southern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont.

I'm proud of what he's produced with 8+ years of hard work (no apologies for the enthusiasm).  And the books have arrived, and are ready to be shipped.  And all of the proceeds will go to conservation in the Southern Appalachians and Piedmont.

Mocha would be proud, too!


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