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Blown Away.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The sun was out again today making our walk at Morte Point a real pleasure. That was after I had washed some of the long sitting room curtains and got them out on the line to dry in the strong wind. Down by the sea the wind had whipped up the sea into a white froth which was being blown right up onto the cliff.

Little balls of foam were flying up into the air and lying all over the grass.

We had wrapped up like a pair of elderly SAS members with ear muffs, neck warmers pulled up to our noses, Gortex caps and dark glasses to protect our eyes from the sun and wind. It was too windy to stop for our coffee break on this side and going around the Point I clung to the rocks to keep myself from being blown over.

Instead we stopped on the more sheltered side to enjoy some coffee and chestnut cake. Once home it was more housework and yet more school planning. Back to work again tomorrow, oh joy!


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