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Summer's Last Dinner

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Its our last dinner party of the summer! 
Colin is going to college so we are going to grill some steaks
 and send him off with a full tummy.
My favorite seat is this one right here with an embroidered dresser scarf with my monogram!
 My friend Bridget at the Rehab Boutique put it aside in her shop for me thinking I might like it~she was right!
I just covered an old cushion with it by laying it on top. 
Anything pink, blue, purple or floral is the theme of summer's last dinner.

Purple wineglasses from Crate and barrel were a wedding gift from my sister.
I am a purple lover and these are so soft and dreamy, and they hold a nice glass of wine!
I set the table with green beaded votives at each setting.
The hotel silver plated urn holds flowers from my garden. 
This is a loose garden bouquet, anything goes!
More hotel silver in monogrammed forks~W~that stands for wonderful!
Abingdon China, a free giveaway at the supermarket 30 years ago with a $100 purchase.
Soft pastels are the order of the day. I like using placemats because they are easy to clean. 
These are on upside down because I like the ticking stripe side better than the solid blue front side. 
No rules apply ladies!
An old fashioned butter server with a floral pattern joins the table.
A large empty platter will soon be piled high with steaks.
Purple, blue and pink....
with lots of white spells summer to me.

Looking forward to my family joining together to send Colin off.

Time to grab my bag and head to the market....thanks for visiting my table!

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