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Beer Festival.

Monday, May 31, 2010

4 pm , from the top of the drive. Warm but overcast for most of the day. It got very muggy in the afternoon, almost thought we were going to have rain but then it cleared up in the evening. I cleared some of the paved areas, moving planters and sweeping up leaves and stones ready to start with the pressure washer which I will be collecting tomorrow.
4 pm, looking north to the cliffs. Later in the afternoon I had to drive Peter into town. How good an offer is this? "Peter, can you serve behind the bar for a couple of hours at the Beer festival? No pay but as much free beer as you want." I can think of a lot of men who would jump at the chance. Not surprisingly Peter was only too happy to agree. Luckily/unluckily I'm one of those people for whom alcohol has no effect apart from a bad headache which could last for 2 weeks. That's why I don't drink and don't miss it. Eating is my downfall and I'm working hard on counteracting that.

When I drove down to the Pannier Market to collect Peter (one happy bunny), the festival was almost over. It had been on for 2 days and the market, being in the centre of town was a much better venue than the Leisure Centre which is where it had been held for the past 5 years. As well as beer there had been stalls offering local food and fresh coffee. As it was the end of the festival Peter had ended up with free pasties, burgers and sausage rolls and I had some free coffee from the posh tea and coffee stall. Peter was also given several beer festival t-shirts.
And another 2 lbs gone. It seems like this diet has gone on forever but the end is in sight, 5 more weeks should do it. Phew! I made another chestnut cake today, this time adding 4ozs of flour. It turned out much more cake like than the first version. I had some as this is a non-diet day but I shall put the rest in the freezer for when we have visitors. Apart from the rest of the soft nougat and some cake I've just been picking from the fridge and I wish I hadn't. I do think that I would have felt better with some fruit and a yoghurt. I think my body is becoming so used to healthy foods that it just doesn't enjoy the rubbish that I used to eat.


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