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Cold winter air

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's remarkable how clear the winter air was as we returned home. Perhaps the absence of Vietnam's tropical humidity and hazy air (not actually that bad for the developing world) makes the sparkling crispness more noticeable.

We were glad everything was fine at home and in the garden -- no fallen trees, etc. Amazingly, my lettuce, collard, mache, and kale flats look great, although frozen solid. Hmmm. We don't normally have frozen soil for very long, but last winter, and now this year seem to be trying to confound the trend towards climate change (perhaps instead of global warming, we have much more erratic weather, to be sure).

A wonderful aspect of traveling in a 12-year growing season climate was seeing what was going on in vegetable fields and in the markets. Photos to come -- I downloaded them this afternoon, but they await sorting, and post-jet lag choices...


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