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The Best Laid Plans of Mice And Men.....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Or in this case harassed working mothers ........ go all squit when the weather traps you at home for 5 days. It was a tight schedule but I thought I had it worked out for a stress free holiday, ha, b....y ha! Step 1 - bin or box up everything in Romas' room ready for his arrival on Saturday - done. Step 2 - Romas to clear everything out of his room & take out carpet - done. Step 3 - take stuff to dump/charity shop, buy paint & carpet - held up by snow. Step 4- paint walls, lay carpet, move stuff back into room (before Christmas) - half done. Step 5 - use the 2 days after Christmas to tidy spare rooms and make beds for 5 people - currently in progress. Guests are arriving tomorrow afternoon and I still have to go and get the carpet and make another trip to the dump. A bit of a tight schedule. Thank goodness Peter is cooking tomorrow or we would be living on booze and chocolates. The boys did get their act together and rake up the drive which had started to wash away in last night's heavy rain.
Out in the countryside you would hardly know we have just had an official white Christmas.


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