It's Raining Again.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The rain held off till 3.00 though there wasn't a lot of sun. I worked up at the scree garden again, scraping moss off the paving slabs and getting rid of the weeds that are growing between the slabs. When it's all clear the paved area needs pressure washing, if we can fix the pressure washer, and a lot of re-pointing. When my knees started to protest I worked on one of the walls. Already it is time to start cutting back the valerian that has finished flowering and a few weeds had crept in as well. Luckily with all this rain the soil is very soft and it's easy to pull out the weeds.
This strange little butterfly sitting on the buddlia is a Large Skipper.
When I cleared some of the moss on the wall I found this little toad sheltering between the stones. I'm not sure why but I find blue/green toads and brick red toads in the garden. They are all the same species, it must be either to do with their diet or the soil they hide in.
Once the rain arrived the cats and I moved indoors. The cats were busy cosying up to the rayburn and I fixed the painted wood above the microwave. We had a lovely piece of local lamb slow roasted with garlic and rosemary, for our supper.
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