I'm An Old Crumbly.
Monday, June 22, 2009
It's been a strange day weather wise. One minute it was overcast and chilly, the next the skies were blue and the temperature was up in the high 20s. It was a relief after playtime to get back into the cool of the classroom. After school I was back at the doctor's. The x-ray on my knee shows the beginning of arthritis, disappointing but expected. The blood test shows no inflammation so I'm no nearer to finding out what is wrong with my hips and the arm is still a mystery. I'm down to see the physio at the hospital and the doctor's referring me to the rheumatology and orthopedic consultants. Between them they might be able to come up with a diagnosis for my arm and my hips. All this sounds as if I'm crumbling away but really it's just wear and tear of living. Last time I was picking up some medicine at the pharmacy a lady was in there collecting 400mg of morphine for her mother and that made me realise that my aches are such trivia. The sunshine is helping the redcurrants to ripen.
After the doctors we (Pete, Linas & self), drove down to Tiverton College to see Gemma's end of course exhibition. She has taken some very strong b&w shots, mainly portraits. We had a look round at all the photography and the graphics exhibition. There was some interesting work but I didn't feel that I should photograph other people's original work. We drove to Tiverton by the scenic back road, so many interesting little lanes that invited you to explore and find out where they led. On the way back we came straight down the Link road and I took a shots of the interesting cloudscape through Peter's rather dirty car windows.
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