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Kids Room Designs

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We came across an outstanding designer from Barcelona who visualizes and creates high quality, photorealistic renders of kids rooms. His name is Sergi and here is his blog. You will find tons of inspiration here,


A Hot Day.

It's been another very hot and humid day. At school the coolest place was the main building which has lovely high ceilings. Most of the classrooms and the staffroom are in huts and they were horribly hot even with all the windows open. I don't know if it is just the heat but a lot of my class seem to be sickening and wailing. I sent 2 home today, one with either heat rash or chicken pox. The trouble is that as soon as you send one child home there is a group of ailing children who get mysteriously better when it is playtime. We had a successful whole class baking session in the morning though there was a bit of disappointment that they weren't going to eat the cakes. Tomorrow I've got some little ice lolly moulds which fit in nicely with our curriculum objective of investigating freezing and melting.

There was an interesting sky this morning, it has been overcast for most of the day and the forecast is the same for tomorrow with a 10 degree drop on Thursday.

I can't get over what an incredible year this has been for roses. This was idea I had in mind when I first designed the garden. I love designing gardens especially when there are challenges such as limited space (as in our London garden- 120 ft long but only 15 ft wide), or a complete lack of soil as in this current garden, and of course a limited budget. I'm pretty happy with this garden but it takes more time than I can give it when I am working full-time. I'm looking forward to giving it a good tidy up once the summer holidays start.


Satu kamar untuk Semua

Monday, June 29, 2009

Satu kamar untuk Semua [Index]
Satu kamar untuk Semua "Saya ingin mata yang sederhana namun cathcing," kata Moch. Maulana ZP., Yang didukung oleh istri Kanny Savitri ketika ditanya oleh Ceilano Borndahl Kuropatkin arsitek. Ya, ini yang sangat muda dengan beberapa rumah seperti yang terlihat sederhana namun tetap terlihat menarik dan menonjol. Selain itu, mereka juga ingin bahwa ada banyak ruang dan dapat menampung hingga berbagai kegiatan yang berada di rumah.

Pasangan yang suka sepak bola dan warna merah ini, juga sangat memperhatikan detil yang dibuat di rumah mereka, agar tampak lebih indah. Konsultasi dan diskusi dengan arsitek yang juga merupakan teman lama mereka dilakukan untuk mencapai hasil maksimal. Banyak dari ide-ide mereka yang akhirnya dipakai untuk detil desain rumah ini, seperti penggunaan keramik mozaik, dan pemilihan warna.

Ruang keluarga yang multifungsi
Remy dan Kanny, sapaan akrab keduanya menginginkan sebuah rumah yang tidak terlalu banyak ruang. Bagi mereka yang penting ruang-ruang dasar kebutuhan mereka sudah terpenuhi, seperti ruang tidur utama dan tambahan, dapur, ruang makan, ruang keluarga, ruang keluarga, dan area layanan.

Satu hal yang mereka lupa Beno arsitek, terdapat satu kamar yang dapat dimaksimalkan di tengah rumah. Hal ini karena mereka ingin agar rumah mereka yang kecil dapat menjadi acara keluarga yang akan sering diadakan.

Oleh karena itu akhirnya Beno membuat sebuah ruang keluarga yang "tanpa batas". Ruang keluarga ini sengaja tidak lepas dari sekat untuk makan, dan malam adalah sebuah ruang rumah ini.

Divider dibuat hanya untuk memisahkan ruang tamu dengan ruang keluarga. Ini pada awalnya Kanny dan Remy tidak ingin memisahkan ruang keluarga dan ruang keluarga, tapi akhirnya dengan beberapa pertimbangan juga diberikan kamar pembatas.

Jadi tidak memakan ruang wilayah, kemudian menggunakan ruang tamu dan teras ditutup dengan tembok. Antara ruang keluarga dan dapur, diberi batasan yang sangat terbuka, sehingga lampu hijau ke dalam dapur yang unik adalah aksen di ruang yang didominasi oleh warna putih.

Lampu merah-dinding
Sehingga rumah ini tampak menonjol dan mudah dikenali di lingkungan, maka dibuatlah sebuah bidang vertikal di depan rumah ini. Awalnya dinding ini akan batu alam, tapi karena biaya yang terlalu besar untuk sebuah dinding, maka Beno juga mengusulkan untuk menggunakan cat dinding sebagai pengganti batu alam. Karena pasangan ini adalah seperti warna merah, maka diputuskanlah untuk menggunakan cat merah, yang akan muncul untuk membuat rumah ini sangat menarik. S = Kompas
Artikel Terkait
Rincian pemrosesan dan ruang
Sudut kamar dengan Percantik Adenium
Nuansa kontemporer Alam
Buat Ruang Kamar Dengan Efek Ukuran
Game Wilayah isolator
Percantik Dengan Pot Tanaman
Kebun Desain Seni Sebagai ungkapan
Konsep Arsitektur


Colani Rotor House

Hanse Colani Rotor House
Posted by Admin Architecture | 01 Nov 04 | stumble

hanse_haus_colani_oct_04.jpgCompact four rooms in a house.
Designer Luigi Colani has created space-saving house with six square meters cylinder that has inside a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Cylinder rotates left or right bringing the room you want to view the main hall. Has a separate bathroom and a small hallway, and all be controlled remotely. The house was designed for young professionals who need minimal space while they focus on career ...//mocoloco.com/archives/000694.php

+ Hanse-haus.de


Parents' Meetings.

Phew ! it was a long hot afternoon, nearly 4 hours non-stop talking to parents. And I'd had to stay in the classroom for most of my lunch hour before hand so I was quite exhausted by the time 4.45 came round. Same again on Wednesday though hopefully I'll get a lunch break. For tomorrow morning I decided it would be a nice idea if the whole class baked a couple of cakes as a thank you to the mums who come in every week to cook with a small group of children. As I'm only used to baking in the Rayburn I stayed behind on Friday to bake a cake in the new school oven. All went well and while I was waiting for the cake to cool enough to put in the car I amused myself by playing on the school piano in the hall. It might be in tune but it has a horrible tone. Today as soon as I had put my classroom to rights I gathered up Linas and Romas who were waiting for a lift and came straight home.

I only had time for a quick whizz around the garden to see what's new. These are still more of my hardy geraniums. They are doubles, tall but only a couple of cms across.


Art Theft Claims Still Unsettled

Stolen Nazi Art: Bloomberg .com updates progress (or lack thereof) being made toward settling stolen art claims from the Hitler era. The Nazis stole some 600,000 pieces of art. I had no idea the number was that high. It's been 70 years, let's get this done.

Poor Unloved Renters: David Pugh says renters need love. If not love, then at least insurance. Renters need home inventories too, by the way.

Insurance Agents Under Stress Too: Claims Journal says that "bad apple" insurance agents are tempted to protect their livelihoods through insurance fraud in tough economic times like these.

I want to take this time to emphasize how important it is to have a good working relationship with your insurance agent. This protects you in two ways: 1) Your agent has a vested interest in keeping you happy, and he will be more likely to go to bat for you in a claim situation if he is familiar with you and knows your character, and 2) You will be more likely to get of sense of how he does business the more often you meet with him. If you have some questions about his business practices, find someone else you can have confidence in. You need a trustworthy representative.

A. J. Farley owns Farley Home Services (EverySingleItem.com), an inventory service for all who own homes, small businesses, rental property, or who are tenants. Please visit our site. Thanks!


I've written before about the no-no using bleach with our septic system. There comes a time when even oxy-type stain remover has trouble keeping up with my heavily used white kitchen towels. In grandma's day, they would take a big kettle and steep some tea leaves. I've gone an easier route and have used regular black tea bags. First, take a large pot and fill with water 2/3's full. Add about six or eight tea bags ... the more you add , the darker the tea will stain your fabric. When the water has boiled with the tea for a spell, turn off the heat and remove the bags. Add several dry all cotton towels (that have been washed with mild soap) and stir them around in the tea. After a while check the color ... you can keep the towels in for as long as overnight. Just be sure to stir several times for an even color. When you're ready ... wring out the cooled fabric and rinse in a sink of cool water with a bit of white vinegar 1/2 to 1 cup is good. Rinse again until the water is clear then dry on the line. I have plans to do a little embroidery work to give my 'tea' towels a true vintage flair


Small farms

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A 'Family Farm Tour' in Western North Carolina (organized by the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) was a rewarding way to spend some time this weekend. ASAP works to keep farmers farming and reconnect people with their food and is a wonderful regional support for small farm operations and promoting eating food grown locally.

I've trying to learn a lot more about where the food we (my gardening companion and I) eat comes from and how it's produced (beyond what I grow) and it's a fascinating pursuit - and extremely humbling and not always pleasant.

Are we as American consumers ready to pay for sustainably and humanely produced food?

Currently, I'm afraid the answer is probably no (based on my question to my gardening companion about chicken $6 for an organically raised, free-range bird vs a $3 mass-produced broiler - but he's not the cook and food buyer in our family).

My answer is yes.


My Breathing Space Continues...

Enjoying the view from the cabin deck at low tide...
Oh the peace and quiet and solace of nature... the poetry of Earth.
Good tidings! I am still on mini-vacation (tis so hard to tear myself away from this sanctuary splendour)
Will be back soon... I promise!!


Floral-bundance! I just love to make up new words. And 'floral-bundance' seems to fit the description of this lovely bouquet I picked from the garden when my parents were visiting. Included are peonies, cat mint, wild lupine, and spirea.

The Beginning:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of god was hovering over the waters ... Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: see-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds ... and it was so."

From Genesis, Chapter 1 (NIV)


Inspirational Chinese Interior Design Photos


A Proper English Garden.

I finally got a phone call from Vytas to say they had arrived at Kentisbury but they were going to Tescos first to pick up food for the week. I drove into Barnstaple to collect Romas then we called in at Sommerfields to check out the late bargains before driving out to Kentisbury. The sudden downpour and the high temperatures caused small clouds to form dramatically in the Muddiford Valley and I managed to find a vantage point to photograph them and the evening landscapes.

I drive this way to work and every morning I see this wonderful view across Bideford Bay to Hartland Point.

The mist in the valley almost looked as if the hills were on fire.

The evening light gave a beautiful depth to the colours and dramatic shadows. As we stood on a slight rise enjoying the scenery and listening to the sound of birds and sheep we suddenly became aware of the sounds of live rock music drifting over the hills. Somebody was having a party on that lovely evening.

We headed off to Kentisbury Grange to wait for Vytas. I've been there a few times before but never further than the car park but the site warden came out and invited us to have a walk around while we waited. This is the main lawn where Vytas and his fellow karate club members will be doing Karate and Aikido (and meditation) for a whole week. He's been a keen member of the karate club since he started university 5 years ago and is now a brown belt. I remember on our initial visit to Leicester Uni, showing him all the clubs advertised in the student union building and suggesting that this was a good time to follow a new interest. When I went to uni I took up pistol shooting, it was something different, but I didn't keep it up despite Peter's interest in guns.

Wandering aroung the grounds at Kentisbury are various fowl, this magnificent leghorn was escorting a couple of pretty hens. Usually the peacocks stand right infront of the cars but I didn't catch sight of them. We finally caught up with Vytas and arrived home for a roast dinner 2 hours later than planned, Peter was not pleased. We watched some of Glastonbury on the tv. One of the children from my class has gone there with his dad so I kept looking for them in the crowd shots. I'm quite jealous that a 5 year old gets to go and I've never had the chance. The peace and quiet of our valley was disturbed until the small hours by a disco being held in the barn right next to our house. I can understand that we weren't invited as it was for the local hunt and Sarah knows my views on hunting but I would have thought a courtesy call to say it was on would have been in order. Even with the windows shut, (on a really hot night) we could hear the music through the double glazing. It was still going strong at 1.00 but my knockout tablets sent me to sleep then.
Today we've been over to a colleague's house to celebrate her Ruby wedding anniversary. She has an immaculate garden with the most wonderful views to the sea and across to Wales.

Can you imagine having a view like this from your sitting room windows ?

It doesn't show up on this picture but the Gower Peninsula is clearly visible on the horizon. The garden is spotless, not a weed in sight, with beautiful roses everywhere. I'm really ashamed of my own garden, there are so many areas that need tidying up. Lots of colleagues came, with children and 2 tiny babies, the food was wonderful, lots of excellent nibbles. Champagne, strawberries and cake completed the refreshments. It was just a shame that there was light rain for part of the time. The children didn't mind and spent most of their time running around the vast garden.

Now that's a proper English garden. I was going to go out and do some late weeding but Linas and Romas are out there target shooting (airsoft) so instead I'm going to watch Status Quo at Glastonbury with the volume right up.


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