What I'm Craving
As I've said before, some people crave food, I crave furniture. This past month I got my Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams catalog in the mail and I've been trying to find the perfect lamp to go on my nightstand with my new bedset. I decided I'm going to paint my walls this great gray-brown color called Sticks and Stones from Sherwin or a more gray-purple that is light and almost metallic. Haven't figured that color out yet. Either way, I have my heart set on this lamp, and I must find a cheaper version cause this one is $325 and that's out of my budget. We also might need to find a couch for my new apartment {?} so...I am contemplating Ikea or just taking my brother's old couch, which is just a white one and reupholstering it. Not sure yet.
What do you think of the lamp?
Any good couch suggestions? It's my first post-college apartment and I'd really like to NOT have a futon...
(Photo from Website)
Observing gardens
When I'm away (from our garden), I always enjoy looking at other people's gardens (front yard, back yard, vegetable gardens, raised beds, fruit trees, etc.) Fortunately, where we stay in the mountains, there are lots of observations to be had. This house is nearby, one of the lovely historic homes in the Montford Historic District of Asheville.Some of the large historic houses have lovely gardens. This rose arbor caught my attention. The roses were small, but very striking on the arbor!
In a growing time of the year, I'm (VERY) easily encouraged into thinking and musing about plants and growing things, if something catches my attention.
I admired plants in a local community garden (Pearson Community Garden), said hello to the first person that I've seen tending things so far, but we didn't strike up a conversation, as that didn't seem like what he was interested in.But I hope to find out w
hat the scheme is there, eventually!
More Sun, More Flowers.
Jesse "Regolo" : Modern TV Wall Units and Media Centers
living room - interior design
nice living room, particularly the interplay between the pedestal table and woven leather chair. And that blue lamp in the background.
living room [via] interior design
How Does Your Garden Grow ? ...
Of late, I've been eating, sleeping, breathing all things garden related. This year I've doubled the size of last year's garden ... and added a new separate section. I cheated a bit and ended up buying my tomato plants. With last year's poor production and short season, I got a head start with some nice four inch pots. In the photos you will notice the blue/green tents in the garden. These are my wall 'o water plant covers that help to get the plants growing quicker. Today, I was able to remove them as the plants have grown to the top. I replaced them with wire cages. We planted eight tomato plants this year. Several varieties.
Here's what is growing:
red & Spanish onions
walla-walla onions
thyme, Italian parsley, basil, cilantro, tarragon
sugar peas
cucumbers (two varieties)
zucchini & yellow crooked neck squash
pumpkins (two varieties)
green beans
sour cherries
later we will plant
winter squash
Most of my 'babies' have at least sprouted. The radishes are ready to eat ... but then, they are always the earliest to harvest.
Lest we have hail or pests, this year is off to a good start ... LORD WILLING AND AMEN!
The Butterflies Return.
The aliums are attracting bees as well as butterflies.