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A Typical Monday.

Monday, October 6, 2008

This morning was fairly wet with the soft rain that is more very low cloud rather than rain but apart from washing the mud off my car I didn't go out in the garden. This was partly because I had to go to work at lunchtime. I don't mind getting wet and muddy if I can then have a nice hot shower and spend the afternoon doing an quiet indoor job. It was tag-rugby again this afternoon and fortunately when it was our session the rain had stopped. The down side was getting all the children matched up with their clothes. That's where school uniform does not help, at least when half the sweatshirts aren't named. Instead of story time we spent a good 10 mins trying to sort out a missing sweatshirt. I was reduced to checking the name tags on every child's jumper until we located the missing one. They are still very young, 5 & 6 years old, and some need a lot of help organising their clothes.
After school I dropped into Somerfield and picked up a lot of reduced (food) bargains, smoked salmon for me and chicken satay for the lads tomorrow. I'm an avid bargain hunter , ( there have been times when we had little money), and I know where to look for the best bargains in town.
It's all been a bit grey today so here are a few pictures that I took on the way home last week when I stopped to post a letter. After so many years living in London with the inside of an underground tunnel or grubby streets to look at, I really appreciate every journey I make through this beautiful countryside.
The start of the valley leading to Muddiford .

We brought our Landrover a couple of times to be fixed at this farm It is one of those ultra tidy places where even the wood pile looks perfectly sorted and stacked.


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