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Gardeners' Bloom Day Hits the Press

Monday, April 21, 2008

The good news, the bad news, the bad news and the good news.

I've got a day off from work (good news), it's bucketing with rain (bad news), and my back has packed in (very bad news). It's been grumbling for a while, and carrying a load of containers downstairs yesterday to get rid of the old soil just about finished it off. So all the gardening I'd intended to do today is on hold (result of the two bits of bad news).

But as I had some free time, I decided to follow up a message that VP had sent me (thank you VP) saying that The Balcony Garden had been featured in the British newspaper The Independent, (good news). I'd managed to get hold of a print version on Saturday but found nothing, and a quick look at the online version didn't turn up anything either. But today I sat down to do a more thorough search. And found this post in one of the blogs in their Indyblogs section, focusing on Gardeners' Bloom Day, and mentioning some of the blogs which had participated this month.

I'm not surprised that Bloom Day has been noticed. By now it's become a Garden Bloggers' institution, with over 100 blogs taking part. Well done (and thank you, because it's fun) to Carol for dreaming it up. Thank you too, Carol, for the way you reply to everyone who posts. It must take hours, but is much appreciated.

So to celebrate, and to try and forget the rain and the back pain, here are some shots that I could have published for GBD this month, but didn't. I've said before that colour combinations aren't my strong point, but I rather like this one. Or did, as I have to admit that the petunia in the middle has died. Not sure why - I suspect because of the sudden drop in temperatures that we had just after I'd bought it at the Easter Monday flower market (which I blogged about last year.) Odd though, because some others that I got at the same time are doing fine. I've been scouring the garden centres for another one which is just the same shade of purple, but of course haven't found one. Oh well, back to the colour wheel ...


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