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Flowers on the Fifteenth

Monday, April 16, 2007

Carol of
May Dreams Gardens suggested that on the 15th of each month people posted on what's in bloom at that moment. So here's my list. OK, it's the 16th, but I've still done better than last month.

It was hard to know which photos to pick, because in the last two or three weeks everything has just exploded into flower and I've currently got winter spring and summer flowers all blooming together. So I've decided to leave out the photos of the summer flowers - there'll be time for those later.

Starting with the winter flowers which are still going strong - the cyclamen have given a stupendous performance this year, and the primulas too - though they're now past their best ...

Of the spring flowers, the pansies are proliferating ....

And the wallflowers are filling the balcony with scent ...

I think this is some sort of sedum, which flowers just for a couple of weeks in April ...

The Myosotis (forget me nots) are flowering, but have disappointed me this year - last year's batch virtually took over the balcony, whereas this year only a couple of fairly puny plants came up. The Bellis are in flower too but have disappointed me for another reason- I was expecting a mixture of red and white, and they've all come up white ...

The stock and the honesty are out ...

The alyssum (white and purple varieties) is too ...

A few things which have come from garden centres are in full flower - Mesembrantheum, yellow Surfinia, Dimorphotheca, Impatiens New Guinea, Cineraria, Begonia and two types of red pelargonium - zonal and ivy leaved. And talking of pelargoniums, my salmon pelargonium is now in its fourteenth consecutive month of full flower. I don't think it's ever going to stop.

And of the things which I've grown from seed or cuttings, there's quite a lot which has just started flowering but is mainly still in bud - Antirrhinums, white Pelargoniums, purple Surfinia, and some daisies which I can't precisely identify.

These last few weeks have also seen the germination of some of the seeds which I planted since the end of February - Marigolds, Lobelia, Zinnias, white Surfinia, Impatiens, Campanula, Alyssum, Purple Loosestrife, Calendula, melons, Mirabilis Jalapa, Portulaca, Sunflowers, two mysteries because I forgot to label them, and one set which came from a packet of "oriental poppies" - but that can be the topic of another post.


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